room to question...

I journal every day - sometimes I scribble for pages, sometimes only a few lines...It's where I sort out my thoughts, spilling them from my muddled head into some sort of order on the page, and it's why the many, many months when I could neither read nor write, after the stroke, were the darkest...

On the days when I really don't know where to start, when I have too many thoughts rattling around, I turn to my trusty Filofax where I have lists of journal questions:

What stirs your soul?
What's your favourite feeling?
What expands you? What contracts...?
What do you lie about?
Are you moving towards pleasure or away from pain?

There are dozens and dozens of them I've collected over the years, and there's always one or two that spark an interest, so I scribble away.... till I get to the root of what's really bothering me, upsetting me, disturbing my peace...

That's why I always make room for questions 


wisps of words said…
So many people journal. This kind of journaling. Not like a diary. But rather, setting down on paper, whatever comes to mind.

It's about time, I did it too......

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